Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Wonderful World of Promotional Giveaways


Maybe the Baby Boomers have a point when they say things were better back in the day. Specifically, in 1970 a kid could accompany their parents to their local Gulf station and receive one of these, The Wonderful World of Disney Magazine.

This magazine's got everything.  Haunted houses from around the world,

Behind the scenes of the Haunted Mansion,

A rare U.S. appearance of Fethry Duck, as drawn by Tony Strobhl,

How to draw Chip and Dale,

The Junior Woodchucks,

And great vintage gasoline ads.

Oil crisis, shmoil crisis, let's make gas stations great again, America!

1 comment:

  1. I think I have one of them I got from a garage sale. The issue I had featured one of animation writer Cal Howards' "Mickey and the Sleuth" comics which otherwise were not published in the U.S. at the time.
