Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Warning: This Post May Contain Spoilers For Thirty-Year-Old Comics


The Fantagraphics book Just Us Justice Ducks is a terrific collection of comics from the often-imitated, never-duplicated 1990s Disney Adventures magazine.  It's not just worthwhile as a nostalgia trip for the Millenials, though, as the collection includes new-to-me strips by Disney masters Romano Scarpa and Giorgio Cavazzano.

But for Disney Weirdness purposes, Justice Ducks is worth checking out for the ambitious and strange CROSSOVER EVENT "The Legend of the Chaos God."

Solego the Chaos God wants to return to this mortal plane, and to do it he needs to possess some of your favorite Disney Afternoon stars, such as:

Rebecca Cunningham

Parenting a toddler be like

This Guy

Whoever he is

Dale (voiced by Andy Samberg)

Fat Cat

Pete's Car

Fenton "Gizmoduck" Crackshell

Hopefully these images get you a taste of the story without spoiling too much.  I had aged out of The Disney Afternoon by the time these comics came out and completely missed them the first time.  Kudos to Fantagraphics for another great collection, one that fans of these cartoons will surely appreciate even more than I did.

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing this mini-series when it first published.
